Danielle Anderson, also known as Dani Sue, is the owner of Dani Sue Creations and Basket Maker's Supply. Her love for weaving was sparked at a young age by her Granny Ardia Herndon, who taught basket classes for over 30 years. By six, she wove her first basket with her Granny's help and she has been weaving ever since!
Danielle is the author of more than 45 basket patterns and has taught hundreds of weavers from all ages and experience levels. She has been a featured teacher at state conventions and guilds. She has also expanded into art education, including working with professors at the University of Texas Art Department, and teaching local elementary and high school students and art teachers how to weave. Her work has been featured nationally in Art Education and the Courier Journal. With her husband, Christopher, and three daughters, Danielle balances family life and her business on their farm. Danielle also created The Flock, an annual subscription membership group offering exclusive basket designs and year-long learning opportunities for weavers to grow in their craft. In March 2024, she expanded her reach by acquiring and rebranding The Basket Makers Catalog (TBMC) as Basket Maker's Supply, a 42 year old supply company that serves as a onestop shop for basket making, chair caning, tools and more. |